Inline Water Thermometer with Q – A Band-display


Inline Water Thermometer with Q / A Band-display

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The Digital Water Thermometer with band display and integrated in-line sensor directly measures the water temperature in the cooling system and displays it on the LCD display. LEDs are used for band-display and also as a number. The sensor cable is ~ 100cm long and comes with a inline water temperature sensor connected. The thermometer is connected directly to the power of the PC and requires no battery (connected through). Only the complex processing of the line temperature sensor allows the precise measurement and easy handling. The sensor itself is equipped with a special copper transformer of high-purity copper thermally connected to the cooling medium (when using copper alloys such as brass, the measurement result would be as distorted). To ensure optimum corrosion resistance, the body is nickel plated and also manufactured in one piece. Among other things, a “snap-in assembly in a prepared 47.0mm x 26.5mm size of the breakthrough possible. The Inline water temperature sensor can be looped at any point in the water cycle.  

Details on-line sensor
Temperature measurement directly in the coolant flow
no flow reduction
absolutely corrosion resistant
easy and secure with hose attachment fittings
Technical data
Measuring range: 0 ° C to 80 ° C
Resolution: 0.1 ° C
Accuracy: <1 ° C
Display: constant
Sample rate: 2 sec
Sensor: In-line sensor
~ 100cm cable length
Color: black
Inline hose connection sensor: 8×1
4-pin power connector
Current consumption: ~ 0,125 W
Display reversible ° C / ° F
Installation opening: 47×26, 5mm
Size: 47.5 x 28.3 x 16.7 mm

Weight 100 g

Water Cooling



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